Stop losing out on the big contracts due to lack of capital! Purchase order funding bridges the gap to let you fill large customer orders and honor your commitments.
Business Funding in as little as 72 hours
fulfill large orders without straining your business' cash flow.
Take advantage of growth opportunities and increase business revenue.
Build better relationships with suppliers by ensuring timely payments, earning better pricing and terms in the future.
Purchase order financing, also known as P.O. financing, is a type of business funding that allows small businesses to pay suppliers for goods needed to fulfill large customer orders without draining their cash flow position.
The Miller Firms' Rocket Business Finance offers innovative business lending solutions tailored to support small businesses facing unique challenges. With our PO financing options, suppliers are paid up to 100% of the cost to fulfill the order, and you don’t need to pay anything out of pocket. This is an excellent short-term solution for small businesses who want to remain competitive and stand by their customers.
It’s especially beneficial for:
Outsourcers, Distributors, Wholesalers, and Startups
Businesses with seasonal demand
Small companies with cash flow problems
Applying for Purchase Order Financing with Rocket Business Finance on your side is easy and simple. We know you aren’t interested in filling out mountains of paperwork or jumping through all of the bureaucratic hoops that most lenders want you to do. That’s why we make it easy. Fill out our brief Business Questionnaire form and book a call with a funding manager dedicated to your account.
Average Funding Secured
Average Savings
per Client
Discover what financial obstacles are preventing your B2B Business from accumulating more profits.
and discover which one specific action you should take immediately to increase your profits and shorten invoice payment delays.
that are actively preventing you from increasing your profits, eliminating debt, and building your B2B Business.
Find out whether Invoice Financing Solutions from Rocket Business Finance are right for your B2B business
Receive a purchase order
Source the goods
Submit the purchase order(s) and supplier's estimate to Rocket Business Finance
Rocket Business Finance finds the right lender for you and negotiates the deal.
PO Funding lender pays your supplier directly to manufacture and deliver goods
The Supplier delivers goods directly to customer
You Invoice the customer
Customer pays invoice directly to lender
Lender deducts fees and sends remaining payment to you.
At Rocket Business Finance, we are committed to supporting small businesses by optimizing their capital and establishing a strong presence in their industry. Unlike traditional lenders who overwhelm you with paperwork and reject you for not meeting their strict criteria, we take a proactive approach.
Our dedicated funding managers will guide you through the funding options available to you and assist you in applying for the ones that best align with your goals. Don't wait for your finances to "work themselves out."
PO financing is a great way to maintain cash flow and generate revenue without accumulating more debt. Our interest rates begin at 1%, and you'll get your order filled, Rocket Fast.
Backed by decades of business building experience within The Miller Firms group of businesses within a variety of industries from construction finance and marketing, to small business startups and cleaning services, our team at Rocket Business Finance has the experience you need to find you the right solution for your business funding needs.
© 2024 Rocket Business Finance, A Division of The Miller Firms, LLC - All Rights Reserved.